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12 Ways to Increase Your Vibration

In case you don't already know, our world is built on energy. The universe and everything in it is vibrating and releasing energy. That includes us, humans! The more we connect with the world around us in a positive and meaningful way, the higher our vibration is. Higher vibration equals good vibrations (cue the Beach Boys song).

“Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein

More than ever, it is important for us to raise our vibrational forces. When we vibrate at a higher level, we increase our consciousness of the natural and spiritual world around us. Here are some simple ways to connect to your environment, welcome positive energy, and release negativity.


One of the most powerful emotions and states of being that we allow into our life is gratitude. Take a moment (or several) each day to take an inventory of all your blessings. Fill your heart with gratitude and appreciation. If you are able to focus on this powerful emotion and remain ready to accept all blessings with a gracious heart, you will live your life at a high vibration.

Hydrate and Eat Clean

Sometimes, it's what we put in our bodies that acts as a vibration blocker! Incorporating more organic healthy food into your diet and hydrating more can greatly increase vibration. Cutting back on consumption of alcohol and processed food helps as well. It's all about connecting with the earth. Take in the natural sustenance it provides and enjoy the clarity.

Positive Connections with Others

Our world is filled with beautiful things. This includes other humans. Our vibes naturally rev up when we are connecting with others deeply and positively. The energy of others can be so powerful and necessary to keep our own energy charged up.

Increasing Vibrations

Hit the Beach

The beach is a mega-hub for good vibes. The sounds of the crashing waves, the smell of the ocean air, and the feel of sand between your toes is a recipe for increasing vibrations. Science tells us that the ocean air is charged with negative ions which are known to have a therapeutic effect on us. A beach is truly a magical place that is sure to help you find clarity in your mind's eye.

Find a Patch of Grass and Take your Shoes off

Think about it. When was the last time that you walked barefoot in the grass? For many, it is likely that you haven't done so since childhood. Walking barefoot on grass or dirt gets us immediately reconnected with Earth's powerful vibrations. Think of it as a recalibration to your default vibration levels.

Recharging with Vibrations from the Earth


There is so much challenging energy coming at us in our daily lives. This challenging energy lowers our vibrations. It can cause stress, worry, and even depression. Meditating daily is like a shower for your mind. Consistent meditation practice will allow you to clear out the negative energy and set your intentions towards meaningful goals and connections. You will level up those vibrations in a big way.

Disconnect Tech

Technology is fantastic, but it disconnects us from things that naturally increase vibrations. It isn't realistic for most of us to go 'off the grid' for extended periods of time, but a periodic "tech disconnect" can be quite beneficial. Take an hour a day (if possible) to disconnect. Put down your phone, remove your Apple Watch, and do one or more of the activities listed in this article. It turns out that technology is often what prevents us from doing vibration increasing activities!


This one is fun! Healing crystals such as Quartz, Selenite, and Tiger Eye are known to produce a high-frequency vibration. Working these crystals (and others) into your daily routine can have a wonderfully positive effect on your energy and your vibe. You can wear your crystals as beautiful jewelry, carry them in your pocket, or place them around your house or office. There are also some rituals and practices to use crystals in a more specific way.

High Vibration Crystals


The sacred practice of burning Sage is known as 'smudging'. There are many fantastic benefits to smudging. Burning sage and allowing the smoke to waft over you and throughout your home or office will cleanse negative energy. The smoke from the sacred herb will also increase your vibrations.

Beautify your Surroundings

When your environment is visually pleasing, the vibes will be good. So add beautiful flowers, plants, and decor to your space. Get that Feng shui going and vibe on.


This should go without saying... Listening to high vibe music and starting a dance party for one is going to jack up the vibrations to level 10! When that euphoric feeling sets in, then you know your vibes are raging. Check out this high vibrations playlist.

Increasing Vibrations with Music and Dancing

Hang with Other High Vibe Folks

This usually happens naturally. Those of us with high vibrational energy tend to be attracted to each other. When happy, clear-minded individuals hang out together, the positive energy flows and multiplies. So, once you identify them, keep these people in your orbit.

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