Not all psychotechnics work for every person. In addition, such a fight against fears and phobias is a rather lengthy process. Experts offer a new proven solution! How do fears and phobias arise? To understand what the essence of the new approach is, it is necessary to answer this question. Fear or phobia occurs when a person finds himself in a certain stressful situation for him. Strong emotional stress, manifested as fear, is an anchor on a subconscious level. Anchors are the neural connections in the brain that are responsible for the state of memory and other functions of our consciousness.
When we use "anchors", they use electrical impulses to affect thoughts, and through complex neural processes, they amplify them. Therefore, getting into a situation that reminds our subconscious mind of the circumstances of the occurrence of fear or phobia, we involuntarily begin to experience the same sensations again. Thus, the subconscious mind protects us, warning of danger. But the paradox is that we no longer control the situation, thereby endangering our security.
At this time, it is impossible to use logic! All processes take place without the participation of consciousness. Our emotions and imagination come to the fore, which paints negative pictures, and all efforts to "pull ourselves together" only lead to the fact that thoughts associated with fear, again and again "climb" into the head.
The right hemisphere is to blame for everything! As you probably know, the left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, and the right brain is responsible for creative imagination. So that's it. If logic turns off during fear, then the right hemisphere becomes dominant. At this point, it is pointless to give yourself any reasonable arguments.

How to get rid of fears and phobias? To get rid of fears and phobias, we suggest "change tactics"! The study of the human brain allowed scientists to come to a very important conclusion - it turns out that our brain reacts to imaginary pictures in the same way as to real events. Based on this conclusion, professionals in the field of neurolinguistic programming suggest working with their fears and phobias with the help of imagination. At the same time, the NLP (neuro linguistic programming) technique of overcoming fears does not require plunging into a trance and using self-hypnosis techniques. It is enough just to use the power of your own imagination to get rid of persistent fears, phobias and internal feelings forever. By answering yourself just 3 questions, you get the key to your fear!
"Method of getting rid of fears and phobias using NLP" NLP professionals suggest working with your fears and phobias using your imagination. To do this, you need to answer yourself 3 questions during fear: 1. What do you see around? 2. What do you hear around?
3. How do you feel mentally and physically (in the body)? As you become aware of the answers, you will understand what causes fear inside you - what external circumstances provoke fear, and how your body responds to them. It is very important! By knowing the symptoms, you can recall the situation that once triggered the fear and act immediately before the feeling of fear completely takes over. Below you will find an NLP technique that allows you to work through deep experiences through visualization. The technique consists of 2 parts.
Part 1 - REIMPRINTING This technique allows you to feel security deeply on a subconscious level. To get rid of fear or phobia, it is enough to imagine that moment in life that causes fear (for example, a robbery). Present the situation as if it is already happening in reality. You can create a certain fragment of a movie inside yourself. First, they represent the events that led to the situation causing fear (in our example, the events preceding the robbery), then the very reason for the fear (robbery), and then some positive ending that happened after (for example, a policeman appeared who caught the thief and returned the stolen). In order for the technique to give the best result, all events are presented as vividly and for a long time as possible. You need to "scroll" the whole story from A to Z.
Part 2 - "BEFORE AND AFTER" After completing the first part, it is necessary to mentally return to the moment when the event that caused the fear has not yet happened. It is important to mentally feel it, to realize that there is no cause for concern yet. Then immediately mentally it is necessary to return to the moment "after", when the situation that caused the fear has already ended. One does not linger on the very cause of fear. Then the sensations "before and after" are compared. They shouldn't be a cause for concern. Thus, the source of fear is blocked on both sides. This, on a subconscious level, changes the attitude towards the event that caused the fear. It was noted that after such a practice, falling into similar conditions that previously caused fear, a person ceases to be afraid, or the fear becomes much weaker (in this case, the practice can be repeated). This fear-relieving technique works well for people whose main gift is associated with the ability to imagine. But for some, methods related to working in trance states or working on sensations will be more suitable.